“Within the first couple years, there were many enlightening moments that drew me further and further from dairy and I found many cracks in my ideas that I could change the industry from within. Having a clearer view of long-term relationships and animal families, it was no longer a satisfactory answer to breed goats to produce milk and eventually rehome their children, even into pet homes, and feel that I was doing my best good.”
However it was not enough for her eventually and she started joining vegan groups on Facebook and watching the PSA-style videos put out by animal activist organizations. More research into the environmental impact of animal agriculture and its effect on world hunger led her to veganism and in 2014, Andrea and her staff went vegan and began to immerse themselves in vegan philosophy. Andrea slowly and with much thought ended her animal operations and is raising money and planning her transformation into a Sanctuary School. The Sanctuary School will be a nature-based day school for 3-5 year old children, with a focus on service and care for the farm’s animals as well as respectful observation of nature.